Friday, 29 November 2013

Liebster Award for Bloggers

A BIG THANKS to four pretty bloggers, Shirley Ong, Pinky, Irene Goh and Sara Tan who have nominate me as a Liebster Award for Bloggers.  Thank you very much! It's build up my confidence and makes me fall in love to blog.  =D

LIEBSTER AWARD, Here's the logo.


 Maybe many of you was wondering what's the Liebster Award like me?  When I get the nominated by the four pretty bloggers, I was like OMG! Thank you so much to nominate me but then what's the award and what should I do with them?  Then, I go do a research and I found out this.

So, What's the "Liebster Award"?

Liebster Award it's an award given to up and coming bloggers, which reputedly started in Germany.  "Liebster" is a German Language of "Favorite".  So in other words, this award is the "Favorite Blog Award" as another blogger to put it.  When you have receive this award from a blogger that feels your blog is both worthy & important to them, you're not obligated to accept the award or to even pay it forward but if you receive this award, you may follow the step.   

The following image is kind of explains it to other bloggers nominated for the award:

 In order to accept this Award, there are the certain rules that need to follow:

  1. Post the Award on your Blog
  2. Thank the Blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog
  3. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserves of this award and those who have less than 200 - 300 followers
  5. Give your nominees 11 questions

 Here are the 11 questions Shirley OngPinkyIrene Goh and Sara Tan has for me:  My answer in PINK colour.

Shirley Ong's 11 questions:

1. What's your must-have make up/skincare product?
♥ Concealer, Foundation, BB cream, Make Up Remover & Cleanser ... etc

2. What's your favorite colour?
♥ Pink

3. Three words that describe you.
♥ Cute, Easy-going, Positive Thinker? ha-ha

4. What would you do if you have only 1 hour left before the end of the world?
♥ See how the world end.. ha-ha

5. If you were given the chance to travel back in time, what would you change?
♥ Don't want to travel back, can?  If must, I think I will back into secondary school change my SPM 'O' level result.. ha-ha

6. Favorite makeup brand
♥ Etusia, Victoria Secret, Beauty Maker Kevin, Artistry... etc..

7. Will you blog for the rest of your life?
♥ Don't know.. Maybe... kekekek

8. Who inspire you the most in life?
♥ My parents

9. Which actor do you find them hot and sexy?
♥ I think Angelina Jolie

10. What's your favourite book?
♥ The Secret

11. Do you have any life principle that you follow?
♥ Always think positive

Pinky's 11 questions:

1. What's your favourite colour?
♥ Pink, same as you.. pink lover :)

2. Do you have a pet?
♥ I don't have currently but maybe later on.

3. Who inspire you to start blog?
♥ My friend also ex-colleague - Tina Merwati - but she stopped blogging cause she busy.. :'( 

4. Are you single or not available?
♥  I single but not available... ha-ha ^^ I'm married :)

5. Best skin care product you have tried.
♥ Artistry

6. What's your favourite movie/drama?
♥ I think don't have any... cause all movies or dramas is my favourite... ha-ha.. >_<

7. Use 3 word to describe Pinky.
♥ Cute, Lovely and Sweet

8. The most crazy thing you did before.
♥ I think join modelling competition... ha-ha

9. Who is your idol?
♥ Too many Idol already... I'm greedy... ha-ha

10. When you start blogging?
♥ I think is last year March, 2012.

11. List down 3 skincare brand in your collection.
♥ Victoria Secret, Beauty Maker Kevin & Artistry

Irene Goh's 11 questions:

1. Describe your personalities.
♥ Easy-going person, Friendly?, Emotion and Lazy... ha-ha

2. What's the quote that you live by?
♥ Nothing is Impossible and be myself.

3. What's your favourite book?
♥ The Secret

4. What's your favourite season?

♥ Spring Season.  Too bad, here no spring season.. :( you?

5. When's your first blogging?
♥ Last year March, 2012

6. What makes you continue blogging till now?
♥ Passion? to find a place to express feeling and want to record down what's my life begin & story so when I get really old I can look back and show to my children or grandchildren.. ha-ha.. *still far away*

7. If you could turn back time, where will it be?
♥ can I don't want to turn back? if must, it will be at my secondary school..

8. What will you do if you only left 24 hours of your life?
♥ Don't know what will I do... maybe blogging and write the last words.

9. The unforgettable lesson you have learnt in your life.
♥ Appreciated the people/love one when they're still alive.

10. What is an item you lost that you would like to get it back?
♥ My confidence

11. What is the first item you think of to buy it if I were giving you RM100?
♥ RM100 not enough.... can give more?? he-he 

Sara Tan's 11 questions:

1. Who inspire you to start blogging?
♥ My friend also ex-colleague - Tina Merwati - but she stopped blogging cause she busy.. :'( 

2. What magazines you read regularly?
♥ No magazines I read regularly.. 

3. What's your favourite type of skin care product?
♥ Artistry

4. What's your favourite type of makeup product?
♥ Concealer, Foundation & BB cream

5. What's your favourite skincare brands?
♥ Artistry

6. What's your favourite colour?
♥ Pink

7. Do you love cats?
♥ ok ok only.. not so in love.. he-he

8. Do you love coffee?
♥ I don't drink coffee

9. How many hours you spend on FB everyday?
♥ Wah...I think most of the times and hours I spend on FB everyday.

10. Use 3 words to describe yourself.
♥ Cute, Easy-going, and Positive Thinker?? ha-ha

11. Who's your idol?
♥ Too many Idol already... I'm greedy... ha-ha

 So on, now it's my turn to nominate 11 Bloggers for this Liebster Award.  

  1. Rain Chan - Rainxdropz
  2. Yvone Tan - Not Your Average Blogger
  3. Trislynn Chan - Prep and Trends
  4. Silviana Lim - Beauty Feed Me
  5. Shi Kee - Ordinary Shi Kee
  6. Carinn Tan - Carinn Tan
  7. Kim Tan - Test and Share
  8. See Reena - Ryoko Gurl
  9. Suzanne Tiew Sher Shyan - Suzanne
  10. Colney Qing - Dimple Makes Perfect
  11. Kien Mei - Interesting Corner of Me

 Here are my 11 questions for my nominees:
  1. Does blogging interfere with your personal life?
  2. Do you find blogging hard?
  3. What makes you smile?
  4. What can you say about 'dream'?
  5. What is your dream?
  6. What do you envy most?
  7. One thing you hate about blogging/bloggers?
  8. Tell us one of your bad habit & good habit.
  9. List 3 future goals you want to achieve.
  10. Who would be your perfect dinner date and why?
  11. If you had 3 wishes that you could get answered instantly what you wish for and why?

 Aawwh~~ It's time to say goodbye here!   Good luck to my nominees and a BIG THANKS against to Shirley Ong, Pinky, Irene Goh and Sara Tan to nominate me for this award.  Here's their blog,

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星期六, 2013年11月23日 (马来西亚)晴天


 在车上玩自拍~  好喜欢这个光线,觉得我的头发很漂亮。呵呵~

之后,我们到蒲种(Puchong)Setia Walk 一起善用我们的午餐,在一家日本餐厅Yamagoya Ramen 吃日本面。好好吃呗~!

午餐后,就到摄影棚里拍照,玩耍。其实,是拍他下图拿着Hello Kitty。我只是配角。哈哈~ 


拍完了后,也一同的去Bangsar Shopping Mall 走马看花,吃东西,聊天。然后一起吃晚餐。

Snowman Donut - 好可爱啊~ 

啊~ 他杀死了Snowman 吃了吃了 

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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

凯蒂猫咖啡馆(Hello Kitty Cafe) @ Seoul South Korea - Theme Restaurant

Hello kitty graphics 相信很多人来到韩国首尔,也会想到要去凯蒂猫咖啡馆(Hello Kitty Cafe)里参观, 我也不例外。在我的前文章 - 爱自游记里 - 春天季节韩国首尔第四天有说到我到凯蒂猫咖啡馆(Hello Kitty Cafe), 而这间凯蒂猫咖啡馆位于在弘大入口站,从地铁站乘塔地铁到2号线(青色)。从地铁站出来的时候,直走,你就会看到很多商店,而这凯蒂猫其实并不显眼,它在瞒偏僻的地方,是在一个小巷口的旁边。

Hello kitty graphics 开门进去的时候,我看见了全粉色系列的桌子椅子,而且还是凯蒂猫,在加上柜台也是,我简直就是疯狂了。太可爱了吧~!蛋糕也是如此,很漂亮也很可爱~!

大部分都是以凯蒂而主的设计蛋糕 - 好可爱~!

Hello kitty graphics 之后,当然是叫一些蛋糕咖啡来喝。然后,再慢慢的参观整间咖啡馆。不只是这样,连他们的工作人员制服也非常的可爱。因,我们是周日来这家咖啡馆,所以店里都没有那么的多人。我相信它的周末应该会有很多人吧~!



啊~ 我们的食物到了,到服务台拿了我们的食物甜点~ 瞧~!是不是很可爱啊?

草莓蛋糕 Strawberry Cake

Tiramisu Cake

Green Tea Latte

我的宝贝Butterdog (Goofy)听到我一直的叫说;好可爱!也迫不及待的出来看看玩玩拍照~! 呵呵~~


对不起~! 我来咯~~~!

HAR~~~ Chiak~!

哇~ 你好残忍啊~ 既然给我下手了~ 不下手怎么吃? 恩~~~那也是~!

一开始吃的时候,不觉得有那么的好吃,觉得漂亮可爱但是不是那么好吃。但是,慢慢的吃久后,我会觉得还瞒好吃的,就还好OK咯~! Tiramisu 蛋糕还瞒不错的,至于水呢?还瞒好喝。但还是说句实话,这也得看个人的口味。呵呵~




Hello kitty graphics 参观了洗手间后,到底楼参观柜台里卖的东西,有很多很可爱的杯,凯蒂猫,还有其他的东西。原本要买杯,结果剩下最后一个,被人买走了。好可惜~!


到2号线地铁站到弘大入口,从5号出口(Exit 5)出去,然后直走向左转,之后到第二个巷口转右,然后你要一直注意你的左边方向的巷口,你就会看见它咯~!就是找到凯蒂猫咖啡馆(Hello Kitty Cafe)了。

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