Thursday, 26 April 2012
The other woman - Short Story
Title: The Other Woman - A short story
After twenty-one years of marriage, I discovered a new way of keeping the spark of love alive. A little while ago, I started to go out with another woman. It was really my wife's idea.
"I know that you love her." She said one day, taking me by surprise.
"But I love You!" I protested.
"I know, but you also love her."
The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my mother, who had been a widow for nineteen years. It was only possible to visit her occasionally due to the demands of my work and my three children.
That night, I called to invite her for dinner and a movie.
"What's wrong, are you well?" She asked.
My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news.
"I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you." I responded.
"Just the two of us."
She thought about it for a moment then said, "I would like that very much."
I drove over to pick her up on Friday after work. I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited at the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She was wearing a smile on her face that was as radiant as an angel's.
"I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed." She said, as she got into the car.
"They can't wait to hear about our meeting."
We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cosy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read the large prints. Half way through the entree, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips.
"It was I who used to have to read the menu to you when you were small." She said.
"Then it's time that you relax and let me return the favour." I respond.
During the dinner we had a pleasant conversation that was nothing extraordinary. However, it helped us catch up on recent events of each other's life. We talked so much that we missed the movie.
As we arrived at her house later, she said, "I'll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you".
I agreed.
"How was your dinner date?" Asked my wife when I got home.
"Very nice. Much more than I could have imagined." I answered.
A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't have a chance to do anything for her. Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined.
An attached note said, "I paid this bill in advance. I was almost sure that I couldn't be there but, nevertheless, I paid for two plates - one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you."
At that moment, I understand the importance of saying, "I Love You" in time and to give our loved ones the time that they deserved. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve because these things cannot be put off to "some other time".
Love - 爱情
Thursday, 19 April 2012
First Lady - Missing You (My Favor' Song)
This is my favorite song sings by First Lady, Title of Song: Missing You.
I make it as a video for myself with my picture and insert lyric on my picture. I think is nice :)
This song is a really sad song, it is a song about she lost someone that really special in her life and is describe how she feels.
This is the Lyric,
Things will never be the same without you…
What did I do to deserve this
I didn't even get one last kiss
From you – oh baby
God took your love from me
He needed an angel so it seems
I need to feel your hands all over me
I need to feel you kissin me
I need to feel you holding me
I need to feel your touch
Cuz I miss your love so much
And I… can’t keep on living this way
I need you here with me
Why could he take you away... from me
What did I do to deserve this
I didn't even get one last kiss
From you – oh baby
God took your love from me
He needed an angel so it seems
I need to feel your hands all over me
I need to feel you kissin me
I need to feel you holding me
I need to feel your touch
Cuz I miss your love so much
And I… can’t keep on living this way
I need you here with me
Why could he take you away... from me
It's hard for me to tell you I love you
As I'm standing over your grave
And I'll know I'll never hear your voice again
Why did you leave me
Why couldn't you just stay
Because my world is nothing, without you
Now I don't know what to do with myself
I would've given you anything
Just to make you happy
Just to hear you say that you love me one last time
I'd go to hell and back over and over again
Just to prove to you, how much I need you here
There is nothing that I wouldn't do
I cry for you… I lied for you
And there's no doubt that if I could take your place in heaven
I would die for you… yes I would
I would rather give up my life
Then to see tears in your eyes
I can't stand to see you cry
I just don’t know what to do with myself
I can’t stop looking at those pictures on my shelf
Knowing it was just one week ago, stood there and took that picture
There just one thing that I want to know
Why would god want to hurt me so bad
Does he know how much it hurts to be missing you
Baby, I’m missing you… baby I’m missing you
I love you… ooh… god damnit I love you
Why did he did he take you away,
Love me…because I love you so…
I miss you so much baby… I just can’t go on baby
Music - 音乐
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
第二章, 伟大的小事 -
作者:Tonkla Naina
你会很奇怪,伟大的小事,为什么第二章却是说伟大的小事?书本上写说:做好生活里的每件小事, 就是成就大梦想的第一步
我很喜欢书本上写的, 这句,
多了未必就好,少了也未必不好, 多了未必就不好,少了也未必好,不多不少也未必永远正确,因为每个人需要的配方,不一定一模一样。
如果你长久以来都是自负的人,眼里只看的见自身价值,却无视他人的价值,老是沉溺于偏袒自己的思绪中,怎么也改变不了。。。 你明明知道,太过放任自己,不重视自律,只会养成坏习惯,却始终无法摆脱?这时你唯一需要做的就是问自己“为什么?”
迈向梦想之路的方法是否正确?是不是还有缺点?有没有地方要修正?或者就维持原来的样子。别忘了,你可以自己订规则,而且随时可以修改调整,修正的目的是为了帮助自己减轻负担,以便更快速到达目标。 但是不要忘了,不能给别人麻烦,或是踩着别人往上爬,否则就算快速到达目标,也失去了人心。
你接受自己的缺点马? 有没有为自己的缺点找到改善的方法?或者放任它不断的犯错,一错再错。。。。。
所以现在起,要开始规划自己的人生,认识自己,问问自己,究竟你要的你的人生是怎样呢?有心不怕迟。 =)
Nikoru Nicole
Dreams - 梦想
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
作者:Tonkla Naina
我正在读着一本书, 作者是Tonkla Naina, 第一页写的是关于 [梦想],我为什么会读这本书? 理由很简单,因为我相信每个人都有属于自己的梦想,当然我也不例外,我也有我自己的梦想,但只是否定了自己是否能够实现自己的梦想,而让自己的日子一天又过一天,我想实现自己的梦想,但是我可以吗? 这本书标题是[你的人生没有不可能],我被这本书的标题吸引了,买下它,希望它能够给我很多的意识,让我有不一样的生活。
作者:Tonkla Naina
我正在读着一本书, 作者是Tonkla Naina, 第一页写的是关于 [梦想],我为什么会读这本书? 理由很简单,因为我相信每个人都有属于自己的梦想,当然我也不例外,我也有我自己的梦想,但只是否定了自己是否能够实现自己的梦想,而让自己的日子一天又过一天,我想实现自己的梦想,但是我可以吗? 这本书标题是[你的人生没有不可能],我被这本书的标题吸引了,买下它,希望它能够给我很多的意识,让我有不一样的生活。
第二种, 火力十足的梦想家
我认为,我应该是第三和第四种的梦想家,只会空想也不敢做梦的梦想家,书本里解释,第三种的梦想家 类型的人是属于喜欢说话,爱聊天,喜欢谈判等等,也就是说话的时间比实际动手的时间多。经常想很多,但做的永远没有想的那么多。 有许多的想法,但没有力气实践。念头满天飞,可是从来没有按下启动键,没有真正起身动手尝试过,就好像在水池里划船却从来不曾出航大海。第四种的梦想家不敢做梦,因为害怕最后会让自己[失望],以至于不敢对梦想怀抱希望。一开始就抱持成见,认为只要不抱希望,不怀有梦想,就可以避免因为期望落空伴随而来的失望, 不敢冒险的人通常不会成功,但有时成功后的幸福,其实已经在门外等候了,只是你不敢打开门迎接摆了。
你有梦想吗?属于那一种的梦想家呢?喜欢做梦的梦想家?还是讨厌做梦的梦想家,还是做了梦会很快乐的人吗? 还是做梦了会很痛苦的梦想家? 这四种的梦想家几乎都曾经在我这些日子里让我尝试过, 我喜欢做梦,有时讨厌做梦,有时做梦很快乐,但却有时让我很痛苦。
无论你是那一种的梦想家都没有关系,梦想的起点在于意念,接著就是实践,[别让你的梦想变成只是空想]。生命的选择可不是按个按键就能完成,最难的步骤在于你如何开始。不要用停滞不前给自己的未来设限,这等于自寻死路(甚至生不如死)。在数到百万千万之前,大家都是从[一二三四]开始数起。所以无论如何都是先从一开始, 慢慢来,按部就班,从小而大,从简单到困难,从毫无经验到尝试错误,当你累计越多的经验,犯错的机会就越来越少,渐渐也就更懂的如何做决定,拥有更坚强的心 去面对更困难的挑战。
你会害怕吗? 我会还怕,但是若机会一次又一次地溜走,却不愿意踏出第一步,这不但错失了机会,也让你自己原踏地步,不知自己是否能够成功。但是,当你认识了你自己的梦想,想已[有梦想的人]这样的姿态在世界上行动, 你就会变成一个具有生命力的人。你相信吗? 有生命力的人,具有特殊的吸引力,每个人都会想与亲近。
是否想要跳出自己的框架的局限? 或是停留在框架内?其实,这不在于你想要跳出自己的框架或停留在框架里,只要自己的大脑于心准备好迈向梦想,一切永远都不会太迟。当认识自己的梦想之后,下一步就是寻找梦想,不要老实地着头走路,不要闭著眼睛,不要迷著视线,就算你眼盲,也能像明眼人一样向前走。只要是学会用内在的眼睛去看,拥有良好的触觉神经,并且勇于尝试。
找出自己的梦想,坦然接受它,从想法开始,启动大脑,找出能够迈向梦想的路。如果不想浪费力气绕路,就要用对的方法,若方法无效,就别坚持了,要懂得变通才行。别人用了有效的方法,对另一个人不一定有效,而大部分的人采用的方法,并不一定适合自己。所以必须学会变通,找出最适合自己的方法。 若自己是勇敢的梦想家,一定能达到梦想的目标。
看完了这页,让我深处感叹,我开始觉悟了,要认识自己,勇敢踏出一步,用坚强的心去面对更困难的挑战,学会变通,找出适合自己的方法, 要对自己的梦想了解于多少,变成具有生命力的人。
Nikoru Nicole
Dreams - 梦想
Monday, 9 April 2012
Itacho Sushi Restaurant 6 April 2012
6 April 2012 (Singapore) I went to Jcube
shopping mall had a dinner. =)
Itacho Sushi Restaurant – is a Japanese Restaurant with fresh ingredients.
A new opening shop in Jcube Jurong. Interior Design of the restaurant is nice
but food serving is running slow. I think because just opening they have not enough
staff to work with. Overall, is ok to me. I like their sushi! Yummy~!
Food Paradise
Singapore Food
Singapore Food Paradise - 新加坡美食天堂
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
Jcube Ice Rink Opening 2nd April 2012
Monday 02 April, I am very
excited that Singapore first Olympic Size Ice Skating Rink opening today at J-Cube
Mall. I checked the details the rink
rate, business hours, Ice Time and also Academy. Academy is not open yet. I
waiting for the academy and find out how much the cost per lesson. I hope to
return back to my ice skate life.
And can join an ice
skate competition. I can’t wait to go for it.
Ice Skating rink
measurement 60m by 30m located on level 3 of the new J-Cube shopping mall in
Jurong East and now is OPEN for everyone! Hurray!!!
Apart from recreational
skating, the rink also suitable for figure skating, speed skating and ice
hockey, which are sports that are competed at the Winter Olympic Games.
The Rink Rates: only 2 hours
S$21.50 included Skate
shoes rental, glove and etc..
S$14.00 excluded Skate Shoes
Rental, glove and etc..
Business Hours:
Monday to Thursday (Excluding
eve of & public holiday): 10am to 9:30pm (last ticket sales at 9pm)
Friday to Sunday
(Including eve of & public holiday): 10am to 11:45pm (last ticket sales
Public Skating – Ice time:
Monday to Thursday
(Excluding eve of & public holiday):
10:30am to 12:30pm
12:45pm to 2:45pm
3:00pm to 5:00pm
5:15pm to 7:15pm
7:30pm to 9:30pm
Friday to Sunday
(Including eve of & public holiday):
10:30am to 12:30pm
12:45pm to 2:45pm
3:00pm to 5:00pm
5:15pm to 7:15pm
7:30pm to 9:30pm
9:45pm to 11:45pm
Guess what?!? After ice
skates, you no need to go so far and look for restaurant beside the rink have
many restaurants! You can choose any one of them, like, Chili restaurant, Nando
Restaurant and etc.. Haha~!
I have my dinner there,
Nando Restaurant! Queue up about 10mins.
Nikoru Nicole
Sunday, 1 April 2012
T-Bowl Restaurant, Sunway Pyramid Branch
Saturday 31 March, What am I doing today? I reached my KL home this Friday midnight. It is a same day to me with a stomach pain feeling.
In the morning, I’m having my breakfast with my lovely family at restaurant.
Till the evening, went to Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia having lunch and dinner together at Toilet Bowl Restaurant.
This is our lunch and dinner in Toilet Bowl Restaurant, Sunway Pyramid.
Penang Branch |
Kuala Lumpur Branch |
Melaka Branch |
Sunway Pyramid Petaling Jaya Branch - Restaurant View |
Hot Lemon Tea - If you don't like sour, I prefer you don't order this because is very sour. |
French Toast - peanut |
Condensed Milk French Toast - peanut |
Sampler |
Pear dessert |
T-Bowl restaurant 1F-96 & IF-97 Have a good try in this restaurant. I want to try Ice Cream Ice Creammms on next time. Will go again!! Cheers, Nikoru Nicole |
Nikoru Nicole
Food Paradise
Malaysia Food
Malaysia Theme Restaurant - 主题餐厅
Theme Restaurant
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